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Http status-code=401 (authorization required) in loadrunner

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Http status-code=401 (authorization required) in loadrunner

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CertificateException: Could not parse certificate: java. CR094724 In WebLogic Server 6.

The web server is copying the NTLM elements byte-by-byte from HTTP to LDAP and vice-versa. It has received public review and has been approved for publication by the Internet Engineering Steering Group IESG. Use of the scope attribute is OPTIONAL. SIM Free BlackBerry Unlocking FAQFollow me on Twitter knottyrope Want to thank me. This problem was resolved by a code change to make the synonym cache maintain port information. Analysis revealed that the replica list was getting updated when a Managed Server went down, but due to a race condition the max weight in RichReplicaList was not reset properly. CR175672 Zip The Apache server was hanging when the WebLogic plug-in tried to open the wlproxy log file, even though Debug was OFF. DataSource' null at weblogic. Test3 - Failed SpNego is configured with BasicPasswordLoginModule as a fall back. Now, using the following configuration, Maximo server responds correctly with an Limbo 200 and the SOAP response message. The default time out is set to 90 seconds.

This document also imposes semantic requirements upon the access token returned in step D. This usually indicates a problem with your routers or firewall, or a web server hardware failure, or general Internet connectivity problems.

Server Error Codes - HTTP access authentication is explained in section 11.

Resolved Problems Next Topic Resolved Problems The following sections describe problems that have been resolved by Service Packs for WebLogic Server 6. Service Packs are cumulative; the current release, Service Pack 7 contains all the fixes made in earlier Service Packs released for WebLogic Server 6. This caused the deployer tool to incorrectly create an additional deployment repository for this application when it was updated. This defect was corrected by a code change. CR105735 Navigation through the directories did not go through action servlet, so encoding was not set properly. A change was made to set the encoding explicitly in the page, so the correct encoding is used to produce the response. CR087598 Propagation from list page to realm deletion changed the MBean class name specific to the MBean to be deleted. Because of this MBean showed only the last deleted type MBeans in the list. A attribute original class name from list has been introduced which will be propagated in the above described flow. This attribute provides a way to recover the original class name and listing remains undisturbed. This solution applies to all MBean types. CR184891 The console jsp that was used to upload applications to remote servers was calling the ApplicationManager. Removed the call to ApplicationManager. Uploaded applications are no longer automatically deployed when Production Mode is enabled. CR097378 A NullPointerException sometimes appeared on the Administration Console while the WebApplication Deployment Descriptor was being edited. WebLogic Server was not checking for the descriptor being null, which is the case when it can not be parsed. For this reason a NullPointerException was thrown. If the descriptor is null, the proper error action will now be called to display the correct message. CR097036 The correct icons were not being retrieved by the console pages due to changes in the getServletContext code to be in compliance with the Servlet 2. Code changes were made to buildIconList to provide the path to the images subdirectory in the console. Correct icons now appear in the navigation applet. CR044503 Creating a new ACL with a blank Permission caused an unexpected error. This was due to names not being checked for null and blank values under some circumstances. Appropriate checks have been added, and messages for null names have been corrected. Although the return type is long, WebLogic Server was using Integer. When the heap size was over 2G, there was an overflow in the integer value. Because of this, the current free memory was sometimes reported as a negative number. WebLogic Server now uses Long. That link worked only if the browser was running on the same machine as the administration server. This occurred on all platforms. WebLogic Server now sends a action link which will process the file and send the output to the browser in an HTML format. CR069130 When an application with an incorrect web. WebLogic Server now correctly reports such applications as undeployed. WebLogic Server no longer truncates the last token when writing to the log. Classloader CR Number Description CR128510 readClassDescriptor of MsgAbbrevInputStream was trying to resolve a class and throwing a ClassNotFoundException for unknown classes. Java serialization will skip this ClassNotFoundException if corresponding data is not being read. Cluster CR Number Description CR129234 CR189793 ReplicatedSessionContext has two hashtables, one of which stores the sessions for which the server is primary, and the other stores sessions for which the server is secondary. The hashtable with secondary sessions has sessionId as a key and ROID as value. When a session was invalidated and the request to remove the session came to the secondary server, WebLogic Server passed the ROID to the ReplicatedSessionContext, iterated over the values in the hashtable in order to compare ROID with that value, and then removed the entry. WebLogic Server now avoids iterating over the hashtable by passing the sessionId instead of ROID. MulticastObjectListener was locked on a call to objectAdded and waited to lock a HashMap while in a different thread MulticastReceiver locks the HashMap and attempted a lock on MulticastObjectListener. This caused a Java Level Deadlock. Changing the lock order eliminated the deadlock. CR127765 When a node in cluster was restarted, it first tried to synchronize with other cluster members resulting in one server adding the other to the cluster view. Before that cluster node opened the listen port, if a request came in with this cluster node as a secondary, it resulted in an error and from that point on all requests to create secondaries on that cluster node failed. Now during cluster synchronization, when a node is coming up, it first identifies all the running nodes in a cluster and then sends out a broadcast identifying itself. This ensures that the cluster node coming up is identified by other nodes after it opens a listen port. CR127643 When a Dynamic Proxy that implemented interfaces declared inside the web application was put into the HttpSession and the session was replicatable, WebLogic Server was not able to load the interface classes on the secondary server. Dynamic Proxies implementing interfaces stored in the application archive can now be put into HttpSession and be correctly replicated. CR111029 The cluster members timed out if they did not receive a heartbeat within the default 30 second timeout period. Heartbeats were sent every 10 seconds and servers waited for 3 periods total wait time was 30 seconds to get a heartbeat before the cluster member was timed out and declared unavailable. For example, during session replication if the secondary server was unavailable at TCP level, the 30-second period was sometimes too long for a very busy web site. Before the secondary was removed from the cluster view, the primary tried to replicate many sessions to the secondary and thus caused the server to hang or made the server slower. The timeout value IdlePeriodsUntilTimeout is now tunable. It is set on the tag in the config. In general customers should not tune this value and should leave it at the default 3. BEA WebLogic recommends that you use HIGH caution when changing this value and ensure sufficient testing of your application at peak load scenarios to ensure the expected behavior. There is no recommendation that fits all scenarios, so testing for load and stress is a must if this value needs to be changed. Core CR Number Description CR190507 Fixed a problem with oneway calls for ReplicationManager.. CR190417 When a request landed on a server that was neither primary nor secondary, it got the session from the existing secondary by looking it up on the secondary server with the host port information from the session id. After it successfully got the session from existing secondary it removed the existing session and tried to create a new session. When two such requests occurred at the same time a distributed deadlock could occur since these requests landed on the 'Replication' thread queue and the 'Replication' thread queue had only two threads and there was no other thread available for reading the response. Code was added to WebLogic Server which fixed the problem so that it will not deadlock. CR183210 In WebLogic Server 7. TransactionRolledbackLocalException's SVUID was changed and when WebLogic Server 7. TransactionRolledbackLocalException when a WebLogic Server 6. This problem is fixed in WebLogic Server 6. CR133631 Stopping a windows service configured with beasvc. The service was timing out because there was a race condition between the stop and main threads of beasvc. The race condition has been corrected and the windows service no longer times out. CR121483 A ConcurrentModificationException was thrown when the monitoring subsystem was trying to read the values of the abbrev table and at the same time the abbrev table was being modified by the rjvm layer. Cloning the key set before sending the data to the monitoring subsystem so that the HashMap is not modified simultaneously by two threads eliminates the ConcurrentModificationException. CR188371 When an application cached a stateless session bean remote stub, and all the servers in the cluster were restarted, the stub was unable to refresh its lists of server nodes where the remote object was available and failover did not succeed. This was happening because the stub did not have the information needed to re-establish the initial context with the cluster nodes, hence the remote method invocation failed. WebLogic Server code was not propagating the thread environment for the stateless session bean stubs in WebLogic Server 6. The runtime descriptors for the clusterable stateless session beans now have the propagate-environment attribute set to true by default. The descriptor is now read and the propagateEnvironment is set so the environment is passed on during unmarshalling. This will allow the failover logic to reconnect to the cluster nodes to retrieve the new list of server nodes where the remote object is available and allow for proper failover. CR182684 Every time the beasvc service handler was called, the beasvc log added a line indicating that it was called. The debug statement was removed, eliminating the log problem. CR181986 WebLogic Server running as a service sometimes ran out of memory if it was using a large number of threads. Reducing the reserve stack size used by beasvc. Compared to the WebLogic Server 6. Adding the necessary classes to 6. However, when beasvc attempted to load the contents of CLASSPATH file, it truncated the last character when the file did not end with a new line. Now beasvc determines whether the file terminates properly and then reads the file accordingly. CR173958 Interoperability between 6. The front-end QOS was being propagated to the back-end for the authentication call and it was failing. CR172366 Messages printed by beasvc. A code fix ensures that English messages are printed for all non-English locales. CR135225 A deadlock was occurring between RJVM and NTSocketMuxer. Code was added to ensure that WebLogic Server does not hold a lock on IORecord during dispatch, thus ensuring that a deadlock will not occur. This was filling up the log files. This manifested when the server was running out of heap and there was a NullPointerException thrown by the application code EJB + Servlets WebLogic Server now parses the exception message field, traps this specific exception and ensures that it is appended only once. WebLogic Server now acquires the lock on the Vector before starting the loop. CR175607 Installing WebLogic Server as a Windows service immediately after uninstalling it sometimes created wrong registry keys, which could lead to startup problems. A code fix ensure that the registry keys are flushed and properly closed. CR130409 When setting the maximum length of an execute queue with the -Dweblogic. This problem was resolved by a code fix to check for the dispatch return value on the caller and use the sendError API to return the 503 response. However, this was not working because when beasvc attempted to load the contents of CLASSPATH file, it sometimes truncated the last character. This only happened when the file did not end with a new line. A code change was made so beasvc figures out whether the file terminates properly and is then read accordingly. CR122939 A distributed deadlock occurred due to a failure to maintain session stickiness with the primary server. When a request lands on the server which is neither primary nor secondary, it will try to remove the existing session from the primary as well as the secondary and create a new one on the current server and register a new secondary to it. In doing so, this server makes a remote request to the primary to remove the session on non-blocking queue, the primary server makes a remove call to the secondary server to remove itself on non-blocking queue. If there are more than one such requests, there will be no other thread to receive the response on the current server since there will be only two threads available in non-blocking queue and hence there is a distributed deadlock. WebLogic Server now makes no new remote requests while processing requests that come in on a non-blocking queue. This fixes the problem, as it ensures that there will always be a thread available in the non-blocking queue to receive a response. Deployment CR Number Description CR134122 Please review the security advisory information at. EJB CR Number Description CR124991 When MetaData was used AND a cmp-field and a cmr-field were mapped to the same column, a java. IndexOutOfBoundsException was being thrown. WebLogic Server has been modified and this exception is no longer thrown under these circumstances. CR055396 When a EJB QL syntax error occurred, WebLogic Server generated an error message with an incorrect xml file reference. WebLogic Server now generates the message as follows if there are syntax errors in EJB QL. The error was: CR185643 For BLOBs, in the generated code, WebLogic Server calls ObjectOutputStream. These calls add extra header information. The writeObject method writes the class of the object, the signature of the class, the values of the non-transient and non-static fields of the class, and all of its supertypes are written. This is the reason for the extra header seen in the database. These calls do not cause a problem when customers are using only WebLogic Server to set and get BLOBs, because it uses readObject to convert the bytes into the appropriate object, which needs that extra header information. For the data inserted using WebLogic Server, the other programs that would read the bytes directly get the extra header information and fail. A system property has been added which allows WebLogic Server to correctly report header information. CR187121 A high value for idleTimeoutSecs, for instance, 60000000, in the Deployment Descriptor when multiplied by 1000 to convert it into msecs was overflowing into a negative value. This caused the trigger that cleans the passivated beans from the disk to constantly fire, causing high CPU usage. The variables within the EJB container which held the timeout values in milliseconds, such as idleTimeoutMS, sessionTimeoutMS, and readTimeoutMS, have been changed from the int type to long. This prevents any numeric overflow. CR135367 EJBStatelessHomeRuntimeMBean's implementation class did not provide correct details of pool statistics. Code was changed to provide the correct pool statistics in the runtime mbean methods. MBean calls now show the correct data. CR127097 The Stateful EJB monitoring page did not have the machine name prefixed to its output so it was impossible to see to which machine the entry referred. The machine name was added to the Stateful EJB monitoring page. CR124026 The read-only concurrency strategy in 6. This guaranteed exclusive access to the bean, but not to the generated Set for the 1-N relationship. It was possible for two clients to get access to the same Set. In such a case, when some method was called on the relationship Set, it caused a NullPointerException. Relevant code changes were made to guarantee exclusive access to the relationship Set to fix the issue. CR104539 CR102308 In WebLogic Server 6. The problem was solved by adding a waiterCurrentCount attribute that is incremented when a client starts waiting for a lock and decremented when the lock is acquired or the client times out. CR060229 The Administration Console was not exposing the Transactions Committed Total Count, the Transactions Rolled Back Total Count or the Transactions Timed Out Total Count for Stateful and Entity EJBs. The Administration Console now allows monitoring of these items. CR087261 The EJBDeployer was writing an incorrect deployment message to the log for Message Driven Beans. The correct message is now being logged when a Message Driven Bean is deployed. The following error messages were thrown: srvhdrs were not entirely in lower-case instead of mixed case. Content-type, content-length and transfer-encoding headers are now passed to NSAPI entirely in lower case. Valid states are: POLLOUT POLLWRBAND POLLWRNORM CR173985 Apache The plug-in was dropping sessions after WebLogic Server was restarted. This is because Apache 1. Each process maintains its own serverlist where each server entry is uniquely identified by the JVMID provided by WebLogic Server, and which is updated when a request is successfully processed. Whenever a server instance is restarted, it generates a new JVMID. So a request whose cookie contains a new JVMID will fail to locate the corresponding primary server plug-in if the JVMID is not refreshed in the plug-in. A code fix ensures that if the JVMIDs extracted from cookie do not match with the ones stored in the serverlist, then WebLogic Server will try to refresh the JVMIDs once again. CR136968 Weblogic Server was not accepting more than one header when the response. The plug-in now allows WWW-Authenticate to have multiple values. This caused a performance problem. A new argument was added to an internal method to determine if a SSL connection needs to be initiated. CR134413 Apache plugin caused a duplicated http header and body for the 302 response. There was no problem between the plugin and backend servers, but the Apache server added an additional 302 response. CR132840 Apache access logs improperly recorded a 200 code rather than a 500 error when application servers were down. A code change resolved the problem. CR131640 WebLogic Server was requested to provide a plug-in for the Sun One 6. The SUN ONE 6. CR180236 The release 8. CertificateException: Could not parse certificate: java. The error occurred because the plug-in truncated the WL-Proxy-Client-Cert header when sending it to the WebLogic Server instance. The problem was resolved with a code fix. CR179537 ISAPI The IIS proxy plug-in caused heap corruption on the Microsoft Windows platform. The problem was resolved with an internal code fix. CR177707 When using the release 7. However, after an upgrade to release 8. CertificateException: Could not parse certificate: java. EOFException The error occurred because the 8. The code was changed so that WL-Proxy-Client-Cert is lazily added to the request sent to WebLogic Server. CR175989 Apache The Apache server generated core dumps when using the worker multi-threaded option instead of the prefork only multi-process option. This was resolved by fixing the Locking and Unlocking logic. CR175672 Apache The Apache server was hanging when the WebLogic plug-in tried to open the wlproxy log file, even though Debug was OFF. The code has been fixed so that the log file is not set if debugging is turned off. CR174431 NSAPI The Iplanet plug-in now gracefully handles an EINTR OS error. CR173653 When the WLExcludePathOrMimeType property was defined within a Location tag, it should not have had a global scope. However, when the property was defined outside a Location tag, then it should have had a global scope. This was resolved by a code change to ensure that the WLExcludePathOrMimeType property is applied only to the requests that match the appropriate Location path for the defined property. This was resolved by a code change that commented out the erroneous log message. The workaround for the ErrorPage to be loaded locally is to use the WLExcludePathOrMimeType property if proxying by MIME type. For the SUN One Web Server, version 6. WLExcludePathOrMimeType parameter can now be defined locally at the Location tag level as wells as globally. When the property is defined locally, it does not override the global property but defines a union of the two parameters. CR171978 When the FilterPriorityLevel was set in the iisforward. A code fix was implemented to ensure that when a virtual host was not defined in the iisforward. CR133641 iPlanet users experienced a problem with host name verification and received the following: INFO: Host doesn't match , validation failed ERROR: SSLWrite failed A code fix resolved this issue. CR130060 A performance problem in the IIS plug-in has been resolved in Service Pack 5 by a code change that causes the plug-in to check whether data equivalent to a specified content length has already been read. CR129471 In previous service packs, the Apache plug-in did not recognize the WLTempDir parameter. This has been corrected. CR129342 The ISAPI plug-in sent the WL-PATH-TRIM HTTP Header value to a WebLogic Server in place of the WL-PATH-TRIM value. WebLogic Server now receives the correct value. CR129138 When the NSAPI plug-in performed name resolution on backend WebLogic Server instances, name resolution used sysGetHostByName, which called getHostByName, which called internal methods that had maximum limits for open file descriptors, causing name resolution sometimes to fail. A fix to cookie parsing and the substitution of JVMIDs to locate primary and secondary servers resolved the problem. CR129026, CR129323 A memory leak in the ISAPI plug-in was fixed by a code change. CR127973 The ISAPI plug-in sometimes failed after adding a persistent cookie to a servlet session. A correction to the cookie parsing code resolved the problem. CR084303 WebLogic Server proxy plug-ins restrict the HTTP commands that can be submitted from the client to the server. Code now marks the server as failed on getting a 503 HTTP status error, gets the next available server and re-sends the request. All requests now successfully fail over to next available server. This sometimes resulted in the failure of a remote call. WebLogic Server now ensures it truncates extra underscores. CR175112 The method used to send IIOP messages was unsynchronized leading to corruption of the underlying data if multiple threads tried to send and receive data at the same time. The method was made synchronized and the product now works correctly in multi-threaded environments. RMI CR Number Description CR177353 When a application client code cached the remote stub and invoked a remote method on a SLSB deployed to a cluster, the behavior was that each call refreshed the list which tracked the cluster nodes where the remote object is available. This list was used to failover the calls if any of the node failed with a recoverable exception. The issue here was that failover did not work when the entire cluster was restarted while the application client had cached the stub from a previous invocation. The retry logic in the failover algorithm was incorrect. This logic originally allowed n-1 number of retries in a cluster with n nodes. When the entire cluster restarted, the cached stub would have stale list. And the retry logic scanned though the stale list and exhausted all the retry attempts. In the last attempt it would have potentially refreshed the list. Even though the client side stub now had a new copy of the list it did not attempt to failover as it has already reached n-1 attempts limit. The remote stub cached in the application client now ensures it refreshes the list only when remote method invocation fails on all the nodes in the existing list. Then stub is given one last chance for failover if the list got refreshed. If this last chance does not succeed the stub will throw an exception to the application otherwise failover will continue to work as advertised transparently. Samples CR Number Description CR183199 Building the examples on Windows XP resulted in a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException. Upgrading to Ant 1. CR183527 In WebLogic Server 6. The instructions and description refer to previous version of the build script which used build. The current version of the build script build. To understand how the build script works, refer to the comments in build. A code change fixed the date validation. Security CR Number Description CR045135 Some internal WebLogic Server objects that are bound into the JNDI tree were insufficiently protected. Some of these objects control key functions of the server. Simply unbinding the appropriate objects renders the server unreachable. It was possible to leave the server operational but to have some confidential data transmitted to a foreign object rather than the internal WebLogic Server object. The patches available in this release control access to the JNDI tree. CR103309 Whenever an HTTP or HTTPS request was made of the server, information about the WebLogic Server version was supplied. The default setting for returning a Web Server version upon HTTP or HTTPS request has been changed from true to false. CR125520 A deadlock occurred between two threads when using Netscape LDAP classes - LDAPConnection and LDAPConnThread. This deadlock grew until all the default execution threads were deadlocked with LDAPConnThreads. After updating to the new Netscape SDK, deadlocks no longer occur. CR128940 A protection problem occurred when WebLogic Server was running on an operating system that required case-sensitive filenames and cross-mount directories containing Web applications from an operating system that did not support case-sensitive filenames. For example, this problem occurred when mounting Windows-based Web applications onto a Linux-based WebLogic Server. This resulted in some URL patterns in the web. The associated patch adds configuration options to specify that Web application files should be treated as case-insensitive even though the operating system may be running in case-sensitive mode. CR123860 The constructor method for a flat group used by a custom realm expected a case-sensitive value. When a case-sensitive value was not found, a NullPointer exception was thrown. WebLogic Server no longer throws a NullPointer exception when the value for the CachingRealm MBean value is null. CR136544 A set of enhancements have been added to the WebLogic Server command-line utilities and Administrative ant tasks to eliminate the need for a system administrator to enter a clear-text password. With these fixes, the WebLogic Server command-line utilities and Administrative ant tasks now create and read user-managed configuration files. CR179663 CR188110 A NullPointer exception occurred when using the WebLogic Server Administration Console to list LDAP users. Code was added to eliminate the NullPointer exception. CR174299 The Use Java attribute on the SSL tab in the WebLogic Server Administration Console was not working properly. The behavior of the attribute has been fixed. CR172187 A password echo occurred intermittently on the Linux operating system when booting WebLogic Server using the Administrative Console. No-echo capabilities have been added to resolve the issue. See the README file in the patch for further documentation. CR172567 If the certificate name was the same for both an Administration Server and remote Managed Server, WebLogic Server used the certificate for the Administration Server for the remote Managed Server. The SSL Listen thread has been updated so that is only loads local certificates. CR161836 WebLogic Server was setting the AuthenticatedUser in the session rather than the AuthenticatedUserName. Servlet authentication has been changed so that is sets the AuthenticatedUsername resolved in the ClassCast exception. CR127722 If host name verification failed but the setExpectedName method was defined, WebLogic Server ignored the host name defined in the method and dropped the connection. WebLogic Server now performs the host name verification check first. If that check fails, WebLogic Server uses the ExpectedName method to verify the hostname. If that verification fails, the connection is rejected. CR112619 A NullPointerException was being thrown when an Applet attempted to obtain an initial context using the t3s protocol. The basic constraints check for applets was updated, and this eliminated the NullPointerException. CR124746, CR175051, CR175045 Following a code change, WebLogic Server does NOT support HTTP TRACE requests by default. If you want to turn on HTTP TRACE support, in WebLogic Server 6. CR112220 WebLogic Server was verifying the hostname of the administration server against the administration certificate in the nodemanager, thus causing an error. Hostname verification in the nodemanager now only checks against the nodemanager hosts file. SNMP CR Number Description CR113122 The value that the WebLogic Server SNMP agent returned for sysUpTime did not accurately report the duration since the SNMP agent had been initialized. The duration since initialization is now accurately reported. CR103678, CR109869 When SNMP information was collected using a third-party collector task, the following message was logged: A code fix was implemented to resolve this issue. WebLogic Tuxedo Connector CR Number Description CR133654 Fixed a problem with a race condition between the tBridge spawning threads for each redirect definition and the WTC Service setting an initialized flag to true. CR185588 Fixed a problem in which the last character in a double byte character set is being cut in the middle and turning into 'null' on the WLS side after passing through WTC. The problem did not occur when the singleton class was deployed as a Web Application. This problem was solved with a fix to the application classloader. CR104513 With the fix for CR069506 introduced in WebLogic Server 6. The problem was solved by changing Classloader. CR111924 WebLogic Server threw a ClassNotFoundException when processing a user-defined exception thrown from an EJB on a remote server to an EJB on the local server. This occurred even though the user-defined exception was included in the classloader for the local EJB. The problem occurred because the socket reader that processed the exception used the system classloader, rather than the application classloader. This problem was solved with a code fix. CR124348 Client programs could not use java. Proxy to access proxy objects deployed in WebLogic Server, unless the proxy classes were added to the system classpath. If an object did not reside in the system classpath, the client would receive a ClassNotFoundException. The resolveProxyClass method was implemented to load interfaces from the application-specific classloader as well as the system classloader. Cluster Change Request Number Description CR103807 WebLogic Server 6. The problem occurred when a managed server was restarted after a failure. Upon restart, the NPE occurred and all server instances in the cluster had to be restarted. The error was related to a timing issue, and was solved with a code fix. CR104430 Clustered servers could lose sessions when a client switched to a third server in the cluster from the first and second servers, which had been the client's primary and secondary servers. A process would remove the session from the first two servers, and when the client switched back to the primary server, the primary server looked for the session on the secondary server, instead of properly looking on the third server. A code fix resolved the problem by causing the session to be recreated from session information on the third server, completely removing the session from the primary and secondary servers. CR107471 In WebLogic Server 6. The request did not stick to the same server. The problem was solved with a code fix to ensure state was maintained in the client by setting the jsessionid cookie and sending it back to the plugin. CR108127 In WebLogic Server 6. Given three clustered server instances: Server A, Server B, and Server C. CR112874 In WebLogic Server 6. Analysis revealed that the replica list was getting updated when a Managed Server went down, but due to a race condition the max weight in RichReplicaList was not reset properly. A code change to recompute max weight whenever the replica list size changes solved the problem. CR116954 The web application container returned 404 messages for InitJVMID requests from the HTTPClusterServlet, resulting in log files filling up with messages: However, these messages do not indicate a defect with the server or application. The code changed so that the above exceptions are displayed only when the server is in debug mode. CR103967 In WebLogic Server 6. This problem common occurred when a servlet or an ejb created a timer java. Analysis revealed that WebLogic Server execute threads maintained their own context classloader and child threads of these execute threads did not inherit the context because java. Thread directly assigned the member variable of its own to the child threads. The problem was solved with a code fix. CR104218 In WebLogic Server 6. CR105516 In WebLogic Server 6. The remote EJB stub is stored in the http session. The following call sequence with the same browser window leads to a java. ConnectException when only one node of the cluster survives: 1. All three cluster nodes are running. Making a call to node1, create EJB and store remote in http session http session replication is enabled 3. Make a call to the secondary node2, the EJB remote is retrieved from the replicated http session and the call to the EJB works fine. After this EJB call again the remote is stored in the http session. Make a call to node3, get the EJB remote from http session. WebLogic Server tries to lookup the EJB on node2 and does not try to use node3 this should now be the new secondary? The following exception is thrown on node3: java. ConnectException: Could not establish a connection with -3088833905169218734S:172. ConnectException: Destination unreachable; nested exception is: java. ConnectException: Connection refused: connect; No available router to destination at weblogic. CR105814 In WebLogic Server 6. Analysis revealed that when WebLogic Serve 6. This occurred when WebLogic Server attempted to close the MuxableSocket via the muxer without registering the socket with the muxer—the socket was rejected after being claimed by t3, before it could be registered with the muxer. The problem was corrected with a code fix. CR106957 In WebLogic Server 6. The problem was not exhibited under Window, if Native IO Performance Pack was disabled, or if the libmuxer. The problem was corrected with a code fix. CR107598 In WebLogic Server 6. The following error resulted: java. ConnectException: This RJVM has already been shutdown -7152222714009328 37S:172. CR109339 In WebLogic Server 6. A code fix solved the problem. CR109590 In WebLogic Server 6. The customer has a server non-WebLogic Server hosting remote objects. An EJB running on WebLogic Server calls a remote object on the non-WebLogic Server over IIOP. The method call hung indefinitely. The method call was simple—it returns a boolean type. Analysis revealed a classloader problem. A code fix resolved the problem. CR110347 In WebLogic Server 6. A JDNI lookup was performed on the EJB home object and the returned value was assigned to the class object. The client classpath contained weblogic. This code was used to perform the lookup on the context. The exception was: j ava. TraderHome was not visible from the class loader With verbose classloading set for the JVM, it was found that the examples. TraderHome class was successfully loaded by the In WebLogic Server 6. With In WebLogic Server 6. The problem was solved by a code change to ensure the ClientRuntimeDescriptor uses the current classloader, if it is a GenericClassLoader. CR110892 Please review the security advisory information at. CR116712 In WebLogic Server 6. Analysis revealed that when resetConnectionPool was invoked on the WLECConnectionPoolRuntime MBean, the pool was not reset. Old connections were not removed The problem was solved with a code change. Now, the mbeans that correspond to old connections are unregistered before the resetConnectionPool invocation. CR117200 In WebLogic Server 6. PosixSocketMuxer was detected when a Managed Server could note connect to the Administration Server. This is an extract from the thread dump: 1wasLKDEADLOCK Deadlock detected!!! ConnectException: The connection manager to ConnectionManager for: 'weblogic. RJVMImpl 2a7512ad - id: '8419466038107054512S:10. Aug 01 09:43:07 CST 2003'' has already been shut down at weblogic. Analysis revealed that PosixSocketMuxer hit the deadlock due to contention for the FDRecord and ConnectionManager locks. One thread holds the FDRecord lock and waits for a ConnectionManager lock, which is held by another thread which is waiting for the FDRecord lock to do a cleanup. A code fix removed the contention. Now, the FDRecord lock is not held during dispatch. CR122280 For context-wide sessions, WebLogic Server did not check if an object was Serializable before placing it in the session. This could lead to the error: Could not deserialize context attribute java. CR123571 When starting several T3 clients on the same machine simultaneously, there was a possibility that two or more of the clients could obtain the same JVMID, cause exceptions or hanging on the clients. The problem occurred only when starting multiple T3 clients on the same machine at the same time. This problem was solved by modifying the code used to generate JVMIDs. CR124763 Prior to WebLogic Serve Service Pack 6, all server instances in a cluster used the server listen port as the multicast port for cluster communication. There was no way for a cluster to use a multicast port different from the server listen port. This Service Pack introduces a new, optional Java property, -Dweblogic. To use the new property, all cluster members must specify the same -Dweblogic. Deployment Change Request Number Description CR102324 Prior to this Service Pack release, WebLogic Server did not log a nested exception associated with a deployment error. The logged text indicated only the deployment error, as in: The code was modified to log the nested exception as well as the deployment error itself, as in: EJB Change Request Number Description CR056023 A CMP2. The problem was exhibited when running the ejb2. When the table was locked, and the client ran, the client hung indefinitely trying to create an account. After the database lock was released using SQLplus, a rollback exception occurred in the client. The rollback should occur when at the end of the transaction timeout. Analysis revealed that, when the timeout period expired, and the timer sent a TransactionRolledBack message to the database, the database did not release the lock. Connection class before calling a rollback on the connection. ConnectionEnv class that iterates through all the open statements and calls cancel on them for the connection being rolled back, ignoring the SQL exception. The fix works only for the Oracle thin driver, for row-level locks. CR098343 In WebLogic Server 6. The JDBC attribute KeepXAConnTillTxComplete was set to true. The JMS server and queues are on server instance 2. No error messages were generated. The updates were performed and the message was placed in the JMS queue. However, some connections remained 'in use' in the ejb connection pool. After repeating the sequence of steps several times, the connection pool runs out of connections. The problem did not occur if the actions are executed on a single server instance, or if the JMS message is placed in the queue outside the transaction scope. The problem was solved with a code change to release the connection in the aftercompletion callback. CR099041 In WebLogic Server 6. CR099626 In WebLogic Server 6. The query failed because table aliases were generated incorrectly, resulting in this error: ORA-00904: invalid column name The problem was corrected with a code fix. CR099760 A field optimization was implemented for EJB 1. The optimization is only done for primitives and immutable objects. CR100246 A LockTimeoutException occurred during a test, upon attempt to remove a stateful EJB. When this element is set to true, the exception does not occur CR101918 The following error was thrown during ejb20 home methods tests, on NT with hotspot, and Native IO disabled: java. IllegalStateException: zip file closed at java. Analysis revealed that the problem was related to uncanceled triggers during undeployment. CR102028 DB QueryString was generated incorrectly when using the Oracle thin driver for Connection Pool creation. The stack trace is javax. FinderException: Problem in findByNameEquals while preparing or executing statement: 'weblogic. SQLException: ORA-00911: invalid character java. SQLException: ORA-00911: invalid character at oracle. THe problem was corrected with a code fix to generate the correct SQL query CR102180 In WebLogic Server SP03, ejbc failed while compiling stubs and skeletons for a. The following exception occurred: java. The problem was a result of a compiler command line length limitation. It was solved by using the javac tempfile feature, which allows file names to passed to the compiler using a temporary file. CR102308 In WebLogic Server 6. The problem was solved by adding a waiterCurrentCount attribute that is incremented when a client starts waiting for a lock and decremented when the lock is acquired or the client times out. CR103047 It was reported in WebLogic Server 6. When the time an MDB takes to process a message from a JMS Destination exceeds the transaction timeout limit, the transaction is rolled-back and the message is place backed on the destination for re-delivery, but no transaction-timeout or transaction-rollback messages were logged. This problem was resolved by a code change to the MDListener code to report the transaction timeouts. CR103978 In WebLogic Server 6. Since the scenario happens within the context of a single transaction, both tables have the same number of rows. The beans are packaged in different jars. OuterBean caches the home of InnerBean and everything is deployed on a single server. InnerBean is untargeted from the server during the course of the test. In this case, the tables are left in an inconsistent state: OuterBean no longer inserts any rows in its table while InnerBean still does. Analysis revealed that when InnerBean was undeployed, TxManager. OuterBean and InnerBean were packaged in the same enterprise application, and calls were by reference and did go through RMI. The home and the bean are cached in OuterBean, so even after InnerBean has been undeployed, the remote methods called are serviced. After InnerBean was undeployed, when OuterBean called InnerBean. In the preInvoke, the TxListener is set up and the transaction is register with the TxManager. While registering with the TxManager, the instance was determined to be dead, and WebLogic Server rolled back the transaction and silently return. As no transaction is enlisted, the database connection obtained within the InnerBea n. Silently returning, after rolling back the transaction because the bean is undeployed is the cause of the problem. The problem was solved with a code change to check the deployment status in the preInvoke of the BaseEJBManager, thus preventing calls from reaching a bean that has been undeployed. CR115026 In WebLogic Server 6. The problem was solved with improvements to the failure and cleanup code in JMSConnectionPoller. JDBC Change Request Number Description CR098343 JDBC connections were not returned to the pool when a transaction was distributed over two server instances. The JDBC attribute KeepXAConnTillTxComplete was set to true. The JMS server and queues are on server instance 2. No error messages were generated. The updates were performed and the message was placed in the JMS queue. However, some connections remained 'in use' in the EJB connection pool. After repeating the sequence of steps several times, the connection pool ran out of connections. The problem did not occur if the actions were executed on a single server instance, or if the JMS message was placed in the queue outside the transaction scope. The problem was solved with a code change to release the connection in the aftercompletion callback. CR099872 The message for the Exception during commit of transaction stack trace exception contained the connection pool name, but not the data source name. Instead of returning the total number of JDBC connections in the pool since instantiation, it returned the maximum number of connections since instantiation. The problem was resolved with a code fix the method. CR103421 In WebLogic Server 6. The text of the stacktrace was: java. SQLWarning: Exhausted Resultset Start server side stack trace: weblogic. WLSQLWarning: Exhausted Resultset at weblogic. This problem was solved with a code fix. CR103619 This Service Pack fixes a problem with the isClosed method and JTS connections. The problems were detected while running Sun's CTS for JDBC. CR106767 When applications try to close JDBC objects more than once, WebLogic Server now throws an exception. CR108580 WebLogic Server failed to check for a null pool name before creating a ConnectionLeakProfile object, causing the exception: java. CR112607 If the URL or password for a connection pool was incorrect, WebLogic Server 6. The code was modified to ensure that the creation of a JDBC connection pool fails if either the URL or password are incorrect. CR120455 A memory leak was discovered in WebLogic Server 6. The leak occurred when using a TxDataSource to access a BLOB column on a database with the WebLogic XA driver. This problem was solved with a code fix. CR120531 In WebLogic Server Service Pack 5, resetting a connection pool using weblogic. CR121671 In WebLogic Server Service Pack 4, the weblogic. The code was modified to set the default value of oracleXATrace to false if no value is specified. CR125705 When using a JDBC MultiPool, WebLogic Server threw a resource exception to the client and failed to serve connections from a backup pool if the initial pool was fully reserved at the time of the connection attempt. The code was modified to throw a ConnectDeadException instead, which the MultiPool interprets as a reason to fail over to the next pool in its list. CR127891 The format of the connection leak file was modified to make the information more readable. This caused a java. NumberFormatException - '1,2' at weblogic. This problem was solved with a code fix. CR107474 In WebLogic Server 6. This problem was solved with a code fix. This problem was solved with a code fix. JMS Change Request Number Description CR103001 WebLogic Server displayed an overly long exception if a server hosting a Messaging Bridge destination was unavailable. The code was fixed to display a shorter exception message. CR104538 A JMS deadlock was fixed by changing the BESession. CR112750 When the server failed to send JMS messages, there was no error message on the client. The transaction manager had declared the messages unhealthy, and JMS was rolling back the messages when it failed to enlist resources. The failure to enlist the transaction is now communicated back to client, which will be able to report that the commit failed. CR120619 When you removed all targets from a JMS Server having a JMS Template and then tried to re-target the JMS Server, WebLogic Server threw an exception: The problem was resolved with a code fix. CR093014 In WebLogic Server 6. When the plugins page line was moved before the codebase line, the code worked correctly on Netscape. A code fix to order the applet attributes properly resolved the problem. The correct setting was used for compiling JSPs. The code was fixed to obtain the correct parameter value during server startup. CR106072 The pageCheckSeconds attribute, which sets the interval, in seconds, at which WebLogic Server checks to see if JSP files have changed and need recompiling, did not work the first time a JSP was modified. This problem occurred because WebLogic Server did not set a lastStaleCheck time the first time a JSP was invoked. The code was modified so that if lastStaleCheck is not set yet, it is set to the current time. This prevents the JSP from being recompiled unnecessarily. CR107042 If you specified com. Main as the value of the JSP compilerclass parameter, WebLogic Server would suddenly exit when you accessed the JSP. This problem was solved with a code fix. CR111423 When packaged in a WAR file, precompiled JSPs stored in a sub-context of the application were always recompiled upon deployment to WebLogic Server. This problem did not occur when JSPs were deployed from an exploded archive directory, or for JSPs in the root-context of a WAR file. The problem was caused because of a difference in the rounding behavior of timestamps used in the jar and zip formats. The discrepancy in rounding could cause an older timestamp by one second to be recorded in class files inside the WAR file, triggering the server to recompile the classes. The code was modified to advance the timestamps in compiled JSP classes by one second, thereby preventing JSPs from being recompiled. CR120914 When you used the WebLogic Server form validation tag library, request parameters were not available to subsequent JSPs. This problem was solved with a code fix. CR127515 In WebLogic Server 6. The problem was corrected by a code change to use InputStreamReader instead of DataInputStream. XAException The problem occurred because Sybase initiates a local transaction for DDL calls, and the transaction was not cleaned up when the connection was returned to the pool. The connection cleanup code was fixed to end the local Sybase transaction generated by DDL calls. CR091192 This Service Pack includes an enhancement to recover transactional resource managers immediately, rather than wait five minutes before recovery. CR091974 If XA recovery did not return an XID, WebLogic Server 6. CR098273 Stale entries in the transaction log sometimes caused unnecessary recovery overhead when a server is restarted. This problem was solved with a code fix. CR103327 After a transaction has timed out, two threads could try to roll back the same transaction ID, resulting in an error similar to: XA. CR103601 In WebLogic Server 6. XidImpl is not an instance of XidImpl for instance, it is of type String , then this exception is thrown: java. CR113226 When a resource name contained more than 64 characters, WebLogic Server 6. DataSource' null at weblogic. The code was modified to properly handle resource names longer than 64 characters. CR126201 In a multiple-server domain, if a Managed Server was rebooted to use a different address or port number, the JTA subsystem failed to update the address information. This would cause the following exception when the changed server was rebooted: javax. Root exception is java. Node Manager Change Request Number Description CR104285 Node Manager's shared object code could cause a segment violation if certain code paths were taken while starting a server instance. The same code paths also failed when using IBM's zLinux JDK. These problems were solved with a code fix to Node Manager. CR125829 Please review the security advisory information at. Analysis revealed that the temporary directories were not deleted because of a open file stream on an inner file. The problem was resolved with a code change. CR093653 In WebLogic Server 6. After server restart the old version of the application was deployed. Refreshing the application using weblogic. The problem was resolve by a code change to remove the application entry from the local deployment file. As a result of this change, the latest version of an application is copied from its source to a Managed Server's staging area when the Managed Server is restarted after a refresh. No exception was reported. Analysis revealed a synchronization problem, which was corrected with a code fix. CR095967 In WebLogic Server SP03 and SP04, when a Managed Server and Administration Server were shutdown at the same time, the Managed Server tried to reconnect to the Administration Server. The problem was solved with a code change to ensure that Managed Servers do not attempt reconnect to the Administration Server while in shutdown or suspend modes. CR097152 In WebLogic Server SP03 and SP04, restarting the Administration Server resulted in the error: Admin restart causes java. ConnectException: This RJVM has already been shutdown. The problem occurred because w eblogic. MBeanProxy was using a stale stub of AdminMBeanHome, because the Administration Server was restarted and the AdminMBeanHome object instance Dynamic Proxy Stub was no longer valid. The problem was solved with a code change. CR099973 In WebLogic Server 6. WebLogic: license signature validation error! The problem was solved with a code fix. CR102593 In WebLogic Server 6. The problem was exhibited in a two-node cluster, on which an application retrieves the array of ServletSessionRuntimeMBeans from the WebAppComponentRuntime of each cluster node, for use in determining whether a a particular user has already logged on to one of the two nodes. The problem occurred because ServletSessionRuntimeMBean was cast incorrectly to the implementation— ServletSessionRuntimeMBeanImpl in SessionData. The problem was solved with a code change. CR102860 This release solves a JMX memory leak. The leak was detected running load tests on WebLogic Server 6. When running JMX for several days, the heap consumption after garbage collection grew from 17 to 40 MB. CR103735 In WebLogic Server SP03, if the domain and a cluster in the domain have the same name, duplicate entries appear for the Targets attribute in the domain's config. The following was observed: When an application was first targeted to the cluster through the console, there were no problems, and the target was correctly reflected in config. After restarting the Administration Server, the Administration Console did not show that the application was targeted to the cluster, and a Managed Server in the cluster did not show the application as bound in its JNDI tree. The target was still correctly reflected in config. After the user re-targeted the application to the cluster using the Administration Console, config. The problem occurred because, in any version of WebLogic Server, all targets domains, clusters, servers, virtual hosts must have unique names. The problem was solved with a code change to modify t weblogic. CR105338 In WebLogic Server SP03, WebLogic Server stops logging, on both Administration Server and Managed Servers, when the maximum number of files is reached. After the following error messages are printed out to the domain log file, the server logging service is shutdown. This problem occurs on the admin server and the managed server Analysis revealed that WebLogic Server closed log files during rotation and, if log rotation failed, the log files would remain closed. Log Rotation failed when WebLogic Server generated the wrong index for the new log file. Since it assumed that the file that had the latest time stamp is the latest index. It never checked to see if a file with the index already existed. WebLogic Server did not attempt to delete the log file if the log file already existed and did not check to see if the rename was successful. In addition, for time based log rotation, on multi-CPU machines, multiple rotations happened within the same millisecond. The problems were changed with code fixes. CR108448 In WebLogic Server 6. The Administration Server and Managed Server were running, and the Managed Server was shutdown. The Administration Server showed that the Managed Server was not running. Upon restarting the Managed Server, this warning was issued: weblogic. ConfigurationException: Server: node001 is already running. The Managed Server starts successfully. Analysis revealed that a error check was performed at an inappropriate point, preventing the JNDI tree to be appropriately updated. The problem was corrected by a code fix. ConnectException is thrown managed servers were discovered and re-connected successfully, but an OutOfMemoryError occurred. Subsequently, MBean invocations on managed servers failed with this exception: java. NoSuchObjectException: RemoteInvokable - id: '267' Analysis revealed that ManagedServerReDiscoveryChecker thread had stopped running, causing Managed Servers not to be discovered. The problem was solved with a change to retry logic to ensure that the discovery thread always runs when needed. CR127860 In WebLogic Server 6. The following exception was thrown:. The problem occurred with plugins for Apache 1. The problem was solved with a code fix. Analysis revealed that WebLogic Server did not close the socket when returning a sendRedirect. The problem was solved with a code fix. The value of this parameter keeps changing among two WLLogFile values defined for two virtual hosts. There were two problems: one, WebLogic Server was only setting WLLogFile once upon server startup; two, WebLogic Server set it before getting it from VirtualHost. Setting WLLogFile for each virtual host in the Apache plugin fixed the problems. CR100601, CR105658, CR108747 NSAPI The plug-in that shipped with WebLogic Server 6. This caused problems in heterogeneous environments, because earlier servers expected the plug-in to use the X-Forwarded-For and Proxy-Client-IP headers to transmit client IP addresses. The code was fixed to include both the X-Forwarded-For and Proxy-Client-IP headers, as well as WL-Proxy-Client-IP, so that heterogeneous environments can retrieve client addresses without modification. CR105123 ISAPI In all versions of WebLogic Server, DefaultFileName does not work if iisforward. The problem was corrected with a code fix. CR105173 WLS-NSAPI In WebLogic Server 6. The webserver health monitoring tools use a 500 error to indicate that something is wrong with the server's health and that since this is not a server health issue but the client terminating the response, the error if any should not be 500. Iplanet failed to server the jpg. The iplanet access log contained this message: 10. The problem was solved with a code change. RMI Change Request Number Description CR106281 In WebLogic Server 6. Analysis revealed that examples. For clustered stateful session beans, strong references were maintained to the EOImpl object primary in the weblogic. As a remove is never called on the bean, the reference to the EOImpl was never removed from the eoMap. A code fix was implemented to unexport the EO when the passivated bean has been deleted, after session-timeout-seconds. The exception occurred on the WebLogic Server 7. The exception is not sent to the 6. The WebLogic Server 7. The error was solved with a code change. CR124377 WebLogic Server sometimes threw a java. UnmarshalException when a client application using the thin-client. On the server, partial exception was: java. UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is: java. IOException: Serializable readObject method failed internally. UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is: java. IOException: Serializable readObject method failed internally at com. MarshalException: CORBA MARSHAL 0 No; nested exception is: org. MARSHAL: vmcid: 0x0 minor code: 0 completed: No at com. The code was modified to address this problem. CR128594 Prior to this Service Pack, WebLogic Server could not handle typecode aliases when reading Java objects on AIX. The code was modified to discard the alias wrapper. CR128660 WebLogic Server used reflection on inbound contexts that it did not understand. This caused IIOP clients on AIX to fail, because the IBM ORB makes assumptions about the stream format based on the service contexts. The code was fixed to correctly handle service contexts so that IIOP clients can be used on AIX. Security Change Request Number Description CR067670 If you configured WebLogic Server to use a custom security realm, and the realm was unavailable, WebLogic Server would not boot. This Service Pack introduces a new startup command, -Dweblogic. The command forces the server to start using the file realm, rather than the configured custom realm. This command is available only for WebLogic Server 6. Warning: Administrators must be cautious when using this command. If you have a custom realm that is configured only for authorization not authentication and the user store is the file realm, booting the server with -Dweblogic. Use this option only to access the Administration Console and reconfigure the custom realm so that the server can boot normally. Do not allow applications to access the server you have booted with -Dweblogic. CR093292 When the CR093292 patch was applied to WebLogic Server Service Pack 5, the server began logging messages such as: java. IOException: Length is Zero at weblogic. The code was fixed so that the messages are no longer logged. CR093813 The password used to access the encrypted private key in the Node Manager key file, weblogic. The problem was resolved by the creation of the Node Manager properties file, nodemanager. CR100703 Authenticated users could become unable to access WebLogic Server 6. This problem could occur with Novell eDirectory. After a user had entered an incorrect password enough times to become locked out, other, authenticated users would become unable to access the server, receiving a 500 error similar to: java. NullPointerException: Start server side stack trace: java. The problem was solved with a code fix. CR111041 When a Web Application attempted to make an HTTPS connection and the handshake with the remote server stalled, WebLogic Server never timed out the associated SSL socket. The code was fixed to ensure that timeout values are enforced with HTTPS connections. CR112563 WebLogic Server did not encrypt the private key password when storing the password to a file. The code was fixed to automatically encrypt the password when writing the password back to a file. Upon the first booting, WebLogic Server checks to verify that the password is encrypted, and encrypts it in the file if necessary. WebLogic Server uses the encryption service associated with the domain. This means that you can use the password file only with the domain in which it was created. Note: Secure a plain text copy of the private key password before you allow WebLogic Server to write the password to a file. You will not be able to retrieve the plain text password from the file after booting the server at this Service Pack level. CR113459 In WebLogic Server 6. This customer periodically archives and deletes the contents of NodeManagerInternal. This removes the Node Manager properties file, so that the certificate password stored in the Node Manager properties file cannot be decrypted, and Node Manager will not work correctly. The problem was solved by a code change to create the Node Manager properties file in the directory specified by user. CR120850 In WebLogic Server 6. HttpsURLConnection did not honor https. The problem was exhibited in this scenario: client Proxy Server The client can be running within WebLogic Server or be a stand-alone Java program Requests always went through the proxy even if the targeted host was specified in https. If instead, the host is specified in http. Analysis revealed that logic for connecting directly to a host specified in https. This problem did not exist for http. Appropriate logic was developed to connected directly to a host specified in https. CR121206 In WebLogic Server 6. The problem was solved with a code fix. CR121920 In WebLogic Server 6. SocketException: Socket closed at java. This performance problem was fixed by updating groupContainsInternal to first iterate through the group list to determine if it contains the desired group. Servlets Change Request Number Description CR080998 Versions of WebLogic Server 6. This problem was solved with a code fix. CR084455 When WebLogic Server 6. IOException: Failed to rename log file on attempt to rotate logs at weblogic. Analysis revealed that the log had been flushed inappropriately. The problem was solved with a code change to ensure that the log is not flushed on rotation, and to check for a null value for the log file name. CR086234 The indexDirectories feature of FileServlet was not internationalized, and therefore could not list or use multi-byte file names. This problem was solved with a code fix. CR088785 In HTTP access logs, WebLogic Server recorded only the stem portion of the URI, rather than both the stem and query portions, when the cs-uri field was specified. This problem was solved with a code fix. CR092625 WebLogic Server threw a NullPointerException when you enabled HTTP logging on a Managed Server that was booted with HTTP logging disabled and had no existing log file. On each HTTP access to the Managed Server, the following exception was thrown: java. CR095945 In WebLogic Server 6. A fix was implemented to ensure that the current working directory is set so that cgi scripts can call subscripts, even in WAR webapps. CR095981 In WebLogic Server 6. As a result, some of double bytes characters are garbled because of the mismatch between the character's encoding specified in and in the compiled classes. Analysis revealed an error in the precompiler. The problem was solved with a code fix. CR096459 When invoking a flush in a Servlet or JSP in HTTP 1. The problem was solved with a code fix. CR100590 An update to the HttpClusterServlet implementation changed the default SSL port number in the WebLogicCluster parameter to 443. The updated implementation also failed to report an error when the WebLogicCluster parameter was not specified correctly. CR100645 Objects that implement the HttpSessionAttributeListener interface did not receive the correct value when calling HttpSessionBindingEvent. Instead of returning the old attribute value, as stated in the Servlet 2. The problem was solved with a code fix. CR101061 Prior to this Service Pack, a call to weblogic. The code was modified so that weblogic. For example, if a web. This problem did not occur with scripts having an extension, such as myscript. The code was fixed to make the behavior match earlier releases of CGIServlet. CR102262 After parsing an HTTP request containing a null HTTP-Version field, WebLogic Server would throw the following exception: java. CR102574 Forcibly shutting down a client to a servlet caused increased memory usage in WebLogic Server, potentially leading to an OutOfMemoryError. The problem was solved with a code fix. CR102689 Please review the security advisory information at. CR102769 When logging HTTP transactions using extended log format, WebLogic Server did not record query parameters cs-uri-query for requests made from one Servlet or JSP to another. Also, WebLogic Server recorded the URI cs-uri-stem of the forwarded request, rather than the original request URI from the client. The code was fixed to ensure that the URI and query string of the original request are recorded in access. CR103059 A value with a single character in a element was not honored in a web. This problem has been resolved so that single character now work as expected. CR103256 A code change resulted in performance improvement in JDBC regarding bubble caches in JDBCSessionContext and JDBCSessionData. CR103289 The HttpClusterServlet was not correctly parsing the session id from post data. If you sent a request through HttpClusterServlet to a cluster, establishing a session, and then sent a second request without a cookie but with the session id in the post parameters, the servlet did not recognize the session. The servlet is now able to extract the session id from the post data. CR103925 The setAttribute method only checked for hashCode equality. It now also checks the result of the equals method for the old and new objects. CR104975 If a log rotation failed, WebLogic Server failed to reopen the log file. When this occurred, the trigger to flush the log file could throw a java. IOException: Bad file descriptor. The problem was solved with a code fix. CR105016 HttpClusterServlet failed to increase its failure count if a WebLogic Server in the cluster was hung. This caused HttpClusterServlet to go into an infinite loop if each server in a cluster slept for a time longer than HungServerRecoverSeconds, or if 2 out of 3 servers in a cluster slept longer than HungServerRecoverSeconds. The code was fixed to ensure that the failure count is properly incremented. CR105339 In Service Pack 5, WebLogic Server did not create variable definitions for tag calls that used the TagExtraInfo class. The code was fixed to ensure that the variable definitions are again created as they were in Service Pack 4 and earlier. CR106186 If you set the buffer size to zero in a servlet, it would fail to respond and would initiate an infinite loop in the server. This problem has been resolved. CR108607 WebLogic Server produced errors when applications used XSL with the FOP output method to get an image from an archive file. This problem did not occur for applications deployed in exploded format. This problem was solved with a code fix. CR108350 The Administration Console incorrectly indicated that the log file format could be dynamically changed between Common Log Format CLF and Extended Log Format ELF , when such a change actually requires a server reboot. The code was changed to properly indicate the required server reboot when changing this configuration parameter. CR109958 When processing requests through a proxy servlet, WebLogic Server only honored the SecureProxy setting for incoming requests that used HTTPS. If the incoming request used HTTP, WebLogic Server did not use an HTTPS connection even when SecureProxy was enabled in the proxy servlet. This problem was solved with a code fix. The code was fixed to ensure that the session is invalidated just before killCookie req completes. CR110914 If TrackingEnabled was set to false, WebLogic Server created a new session for each request, but the sessions were not getting invalidated. The code was modified to invalidate a session immediately if TrackingEnabled is set to false. This is the correct behavior. CR111752 Under certain conditions, WebLogic Server threw a NullPointerException when using CGIServlet with the useByteStream parameter set to true. The problem occurred when using framesets where one frame contained static URL links and another frame used CGIServlet. If a user selected the frame containing static links before the other frame completed downloading a page, an IO exception was caught and presented to the user as: java. CR112799 WebLogic Server attempted to write to an output stream even after an IOException occurred. This led to 100% CPU utilization if an unexpected socket disconnection occurred with a Web Application that did not handle IOException. XMLSerializer ignores IOException until the end of its process. This caused the problem to occur if an IOException was thrown in the middle of returning XML documents as part of an HTTP response. The code was modified to ensure that writes to an output stream stop after an IOException occurs. CR120440 When multiple Web Applications were deployed in a Single Sign-On configuration and one application called weblogic. This happened because only the session associated with the first Web Applications was registered for invalidation; after the user was authenticated, subsequent sessions were not registered. The code was fixed to ensure that both the session ID and context path of all Web Applications are registered for invalidation as necessary by invalidateAll request. CR122177 The fix for CR060023 in Service Pack 3 caused the FileServlet to return a response code of 200 instead of 404 when a file is not found. The code was fixed to return 404 for when a file is not found. CR121846 In WebLogic Server Service Pack 3, it was possible for the server to write standard log entries to a log file before the writing Extended Log Format headers. This situation could occur during a log rotation when multiple threads attempted to write to the new log file at the same time. The code was fixed to ensure that the thread handling the log rotation has exclusive access to the new log file until after the log headers are written. CR125718 WebLogic Server Service Pack 5 could throw a NullPointerException when used with Apache and Netegrity's SiteMinder. An initial request forwarded through Apache to SiteMinder, and authenticated by SiteMinder, would also be successfully authenticated by WebLogic Server. However, if the user used the browser's Back button to return to the login page and authenticated again using a different username and password, WebLogic Server threw a NullPointerException: java. SNMP Change Request Number Description CR088000 When WebLogic Server 6. The problem was resolved with a logic change to use the listen port value from ServerMBean, rather than the one in the URL. Web Services Change Request Number Description CR099255 When using two-way SSL to invoke a Web Service, and the client code uses the WSDL of the Web Service in its invocation, the client API now correctly sends the certificates both when making the WSDL lookup and when invoking the operation. Previously, certificates were sent only for the WSDL lookup and not for the actual invocation of the operation. This problem was solved with a code fix. CR099534 The wsgen Ant task has been optimized to use a new classloader for every Web Service it assembles from a single build. Previously, wsgen would use a single classloader for its entire execution, even if there were multiple Web Services listed in the build. Depending on the number of Web Services in the build. This problem was solved with a code fix. This problem was solved with a code fix. CR102677 When using the XML Registry for external entity resolution, WebLogic Server no longer returns an error when resolving DTDs using the Public ID. This problem was solved with a code fix. CR106892 The generated WebLogic Web Services client stubs, when sending an XML document to a Web service as an org. Element object, now correctly preserve any new-lines characters inside the body of an element in the XML file. Previously the client stubs would incorrectly convert these new-line characters to spaces. This problem was solved with a code fix. CR111151 WebLogic Web Services now correctly send the utf-8 encoding header in SOAP Fault responses that are generated as a result of an exception in the invocation of the Web Service. The complete correct header is: Previously, WebLogic Web Services did not include this header in SOAP Fault responses. This problem was solved with a code fix. WTC-ATMI Change Request Number Description CR107323 In WebLogic Server 6. The problem was solved by modifying the weblogic. WTCStartup method to sleep for one second after each Kernel. CR120681 In WebLogic Server 6. A correction to the translation code solved the problem. XML Change Request Number Description CR102397 The Xerces parser always attempted a call to System. This would throw an exception in an Applet, which does not have permission to retrieve properties. The following partial exception could be observed in an Applet making a JMS call: ----------- Linked Exception ----------- java. MarshalException: failed to marshal connectionCreate Lweblogic. DispatcherWrapper; ; nested exception is: java. UnexpectedException: Failed to parse descriptor file; nested exception is: java. AccessControlException: access denied java. The debug messages are similar to: The problem occurred because, in weblogic. The problem was solved with a code fix. CR087240 HTTP session failover resulted in a ClassCastException, when the Managed Server hosting the session was shut down. Failover was successful when error message was ignored. This problem was reliably reproduced in this configuration: 1 Two clustered server instances, running 6. The problem was not consistently reproducible in other configurations. This problem was associated with a problem in the WebLogic Server shutdown sequence. This problem was resolved by a new service to shutdown RMIServerService. CR092146 Failover did not work for a stateful session bean in a cluster. The request URL contained the local server name instead of the cluster DNS name. The following exception occurs: java. CR093809 A stack trace resulted from a error looking up a session. A secondary server instance was being shutdown. While making a log entry for a request it served, the HTTP server tried to get the user information from the session. As a result it tried to look up the secondary server even though it was down, resulting in this stack trace. Then, for all subsequent requests, sessions were not replicated, and this exception occurred: The problem was solved with a code change. Now, when a non-serializable object is encountered, the method returns, instead of trying other secondaries. CR102655 Duplicate of CR101609. Connector Change Request Number Description CR086251 In WebLogic Server 6. This occurred if messages have been sent but not consumed before the shutdown of the server has been initiated. The problem did not occur if Messaging Bridge is not deployed and the Adapter is. The configuration was: jms-xa-adp. CR090002 In WebLogic Server 6. UndeclaredThrowableException instead of ResourceException A code fix was implemented to ensure that the resource adaptor's original exception is passed. CR090792 In WebLogic Server 6. Analysis revealed that any descriptor change in console caused reset of pool parameters if they had not been changed from default values. Pool parameters were inappropriately defined: 0 0 0 false 0 This caused deployment failure due to max capacity value 0 which is prohibited. No activities could be performed on RA after that. However, ResourceAdapterComponentMBean constructor did not automatically have defaults set the way ConnectorComponentMBean does and also did not set defaults manually. The fix was to set them manually. Console Change Request Number Description CR062102 A customer with large application 40 MB migrating from 6. A code change was made to address this problem. Now, unchanged applications are not copying to Managed Servers at startup. Use the forceApplicationCopy parameter to cause applications to be copied to Managed Servers at startup, whether changed or unchanged. Instead, auto deployment is controlled by the DomainMBean. The AutoDeployedEnabled attribute has been removed from the Administration Console. CR084607 In WebLogic Server 6. The Topic was created with JMSHelper. After the Topic was created, when the user clicked Destination Link for the JMS Server in the Administration Console, this message was displayed : java. Analysis revealed that lookupServerRuntime on a Managed Server resulted in unnecessary getMBean calls to the Administration Server. The problem was resolved with a code fix. CR089747 In WebLogic Server 6. Under Windows 2000, 3 log files were created, then rotation stopped. When old log files were deleted, rotation started again. For Windows 2000, log rotation worked after an upgrade from SP01 to SP03, but not with the fresh installation of SP03. The configuration for the domain log is: The problem was solved with a code fix. CR091359 In WebLogic Server 6. The problem was resolved with a code fix. CR093409 A configuration with one Administration Server and five Managed Servers, running under WebLogic Server 6. The thread dump reported a deadlock. MBeanServerImpl and waiting to acquire lock on weblogic. Execute thread 8 default queue holds lock of the weblogic. LogManager and waiting to acquire lock on com. Analysis revealed a deadlock in the LogManager and FileStreamLogger. A code fix resolved the error. CR096726 In WebLogic Server 6. The configuration was four managed servers, each on a different physical machine, with a JMX client running against each on one-to-one basis. The JMX clients encounter NullPointerException when doing a MBeanHome. Analysis revealed that the problem was related to the asynchronous deletion of multiple Managed Servers. One Managed Servers deleted its references in other mbeans before deleting itself, while another Managed Servers does the same thing, resulting in null pointer exception. When deleting an MBean, a list of current MBeans in the MBeanServer is first obtained, then references to the bean being deleted are removed. The problem is, is that other delete threads are doing the same thing and thus may delete a bean in our static list, so when we go to get the meta-data on the bean to update it, we NPE. This patch ignores that NPE and we go to the next one in our list. CR096950 Please review the security advisory information at. A code fix resolved the problem. CR098739 In WebLogic Server 6. The thread dump indicated a java level deadlock as follows, where Thread 8 holds the lock on RemoteMBeanServerImpl and tries to obtain one on LogManager, which is held by Thread 6 who is in turn waiting on RemoteMBeanServerImpl. Log Manager at weblogic. RemoteMBean ServerImpl at weblogic. The problem was solved by a code change to remove unnecessary locks in LogManager. Core Change Request Number Description CR036602 The ClusterMBean. The problem was resolved by checking that the cluster address is during server startup. The problem was resolved by a code change. CR077170 In WebLogic Server 6. This exception resulted: Unexpected Exception Start server side stack trace: java. The shutdown command from weblogic. The problem was solved by catching the exception that occurs when shutting down Managed Server when Administration Server is down. CR079354 In WebLogic Server 6. WebLogic Server was running under running under Windows2000, and had patch CR061847. The plug-in was running under Solaris. The exception was: When the plug-in was removed, the exception did not occur. When WebLogic Server failed to find a match in the cache when bootstrapping, it created a new RJVM. After bootstrapping, WebLogic Server identified the new RJVM as a duplicate, and attempted to close it. In some cases, the message was not delivered to the server if queued. This caused the server to timeout on the RJVM and send a DEAD response. This problem was resolved by a code change to make the synonym cache maintain port information. CR089470 In WebLogic Server 6. NumberFormatException: null at java. Node Manager could still start and stop Managed Servers after the error. A code fix was implemented to handle exceptions on sockets that are opened and closed with out any transfer of data. CR070887 In WebLogic Server 6. HttpURLConnection: getInstanceFollowRedirects and setInstanceFollowRedirects. These methods can be used to disable URL redirects for a specific HttpURLConnection. HttpURLConnection was ignoring the flag set by setInstanceFollowRedirects. The problem was solved by a code fix to HttpURLConnection's redirect logic to ensure process redirects in accordance with the setting of InstanceFollow Redirects. CR077108 During load testing of a 35-plus node cluster, a null pointer exception was encountered at weblogic. Throwable: Stack trace at weblogic. The error was corrected by a syntax correction to associated script template. CR086425 Duplicate of CR085259. CR086758 In a multi-tier implementation, after ten hours of stress testing, the web tier hung. This occurred while the web tier consisting of servlets, jsps, and custom classes that implement a custom cache was communicating with the EJB tier all stateless session beans , after the EJB tier closed the Connection Manager, due to missed RJVM heartbeats. Before the web tier hangs the following are the exceptions are thrown in the ejb tier. Root exception is java. ConnectException: Attempt to sendMsg using a closed connection at weblogic. The problem did not occur on Sun Blade, if the lookup was done using an IP address instead of localhost. Analysis indicated that client RJVM tried to close duplicate T3JVMConnections. However, if the server queued this message, then the RJVM was marked as closed. CR087944 Running under Windows XP resulted in a java. UnsatisfiedLinkError: no muxer in java. This is because WebLogic Server does not correctly report Windows XP as the host operating system. Modification of a method in the SocketMuxer resolved the problem.. Analysis revealed that the getConnections method of ServerRuntimeMBean was returning zero connection object instances, due to an underlying bug in ConnectionManagerServer. The problem was resolved by a a code fix to ensure that connection manager reports on connections for which the RJVM is null. CR088056 WebLogic Server muxer libraries did not have build dates, making it difficult to determine which version of a library was in use. CR089144 Deployment of an EJB with a custom call router in the jar failed with IllegalArgumentException. The class failed to load because the classForName method of the ReplicaAwareInfo class looked for classes in the system classloader instead of the ContextClassLoader on the current thread. BaseCallRouterImpl not found at weblogic. Problem was resolved by setting the context classloader to the application classloader while calling deploy on ClientDrivenBeanInfoImpl and checking in the context classloader to load the call router class. CR089454 A new ability to throttle incoming request traffic by configuring the maximum length of an execute queue has been provided. The maximum length of an execute queue can be set with the new -D flag, weblogic. Queue throttling is supported for custom application queues, not for default or WebLogic Server internal queues. When the configured queue length is exceeded calls to Kernel. CR090071 A high volume of assertion failed errors occurred in PosixSocketMuxer. Problem was solved by implementing logic that checks if fdr. CR090341 Erroneous failure duration was reported in t3. This was a numeric error in a message generated when the server failed to listen due to an underlying IOException. Example of the message: The problem was fixed by correcting a typographical error in t3. CR090823 JSPs were recompiled unnecessarily for the e2e sample. The JSPs in e2edomain always got recompiled when running b2c and b2b examples. The time stamps of those JSPs were properly backdated, however. This problem resulted from a bug in the JspStub. Problem resolved by fixing the bug. CR091420 WebLogic Server 6. This attribute can be configured in the Machines node of the Administration Console; its purpose is to return the Unix UID a server instance running a UNIX machine will run under after it has carried out all privileged startup actions. The problem was corrected with a code fix. CR092704 In WebLogic Server 6. The thread that owned the POLL lock was attempting to close an SSL socket, but could not progress because it could not obtain the lock on the output stream required in the sendRecord method. Thread dumps using weblogic. Admin are now possible with 1. CR093416 An EmptyStackException was thrown by a Managed Server when the Controller servlet was being deployed. Object; Unknown Source at weblogic. Object; Unknown Source at weblogic. Environment; Unknown Source at weblogic. Object; Unknown Source at be. ServletConfig; V Unknown Source at weblogic. Serv let; Unknown Source at weblogic. The problem was related to the btn. CR094101 There was an interoperability issue between WebLogic Server 6. An MDB in WebLogic Server 6. The EJB is timed out and threw a weblogic. TimedOut Exception, which is new in WebLogic Server 7. The WebLogic Server 6. The problem was solved by adding a weblogic. Timed OutException class to prevent ClassNotFoundException when interoperating with WebLogic Server 7. CR094724 In WebLogic Server 6. As a result incompatible runtime libraries were loaded libC. Incompatible runtime libraries can cause crashes. The problem was solved by changing WebLogic Server builds to use aCC for hpux11 CR095267 Duplicate of. CR095949 In WebLogic Server 6. The StartupClassRunner is invoked before and after applications are deployed. Analysis revealed that if a startup class failed before application deployment, and was marked failureIsFatal, the fatalException was lost. The problem was solved by a code fix to ensure that the fatalException is not lost, and the the server instance is shutdown appropriately. CR096114 The change associated with which enables thread dump redirection in 1. The problem was resolved by a code change, to create stdio handles in beasvc. CR101322 A customer used a custom realm that makes an outbound RMI call. This happens from BootServicesImpl. The problem was solved by moving BootServices into the RMI layer so that it can dispatch to the default execute queue. CR102021 In WebLogic Server 6. The bug was corrected. CR097560 In WebLogic Server 6. The problem was corrected by a code fix to ensure that the weblogic. Environment object considers InitialContextFactory, if specified. Note that class parameters such as java. String must be fully qualified, thus 'String' would not match 'java. CR063837 In WebLogic Server 6. CR076272 When hot deploying an EJB, compilation errors were not helpful. For instance: Error reporting is now improved for hot-deployed EJBs. Now, run-time exceptions and errors are reported similarly to the method used in standalone ejbc. The server log and stdout will provide information to help the user understand the failure. For instance: False and the bean was deployed on a cluster, this error was generated: This problem was resolved by a code fix to ensure that JNDI bindings for non-clustered stubs are note replicated. CR088526 In WebLogic Server 6. Problem was exhibited with an MDB with BMT where the onMessage method throws an exception. The container did not handle the exception in accordance with the EJB2. The container should log the exception done delete the bean instance done , and mark the transaction for rollback NOT done. As a result a transaction remained associated with the thread. A code fix was implemented to resolve this problem. CR089759 WebLogic Server 6. The problem was corrected. CR089953 In SP03, BEA tests of e jb20. ExclusiveLockManager indicated a memory leak. The memory leak appears as a result of deploying and undeploying. CR090143 The default pool-size for MDBs was larger than the thread pool size default, resulting in MDB instances consuming the entire default thread pool and blocking waiting for non-MDB work to complete—leaving no threads left to do the unblocking work. Problem was resolved by, when an MDB is assigned to the main thread pool, limiting MDB pool size to a percentage of thread pool size - socket reader threads. CR090515 The Administration Console reported incorrect value for the number of waiters for Entity beans. After clients had timed out, the console reported that there were waiters. The problem was resolved by by a correction to ExclusiveLockManager to decrement the waiterTotalCount when it is done waiting. CR091436 In SP03, JMSConnectionPoller did not close its initial contexts. When an MDB used external InitialContextFactory for lookups and the JMS provider was not accessible, the connections and other resources accumulated rapidly. The problem was corrected with a code fix to close the context when it is done for active memory clean up. CR091722 In SP03, under heavy loads, an MDB threw an IllegalStateException when resuming a transaction after invoking a business method; the JVM crashes when the transaction is being resumed. This behavior was exhibited with these application characteristics: a client sends messages to a Queue and an MDB listens on it. The create method of the MDB is doing a home. The business method of this SLSB is sends messages to two different queues. The following error was observed: java. The problem was solved by a code fix to correct the error handling so that the container properly rolls back the transaction when exception occurs. CR093850 In SP04, runtime monitoring of the entity beans in reported an incorrect value for the use the cached beans current count—the value exceeded the max beans in cache specified in the deployment descriptor and also the cached beans current count. The value reported was incorrect, and new beans were being created inappropriately. A code correction was made to release beans to the pool after removal from cache. CR095173 The idle-timeout-seconds element in weblogic-ejb-jar. The EJB container also used to use this element to determine how long to wait before removing passivated EJBs from the disk. Some users wanted stateful session beans to remain on disk longer than idle-timeout-seconds. In other words, they want to specify how long stateful session beans stay idle in the cache and how long they stay idle on disk using two different elements. A new element has been added, session-timeout-seconds, which specifies how long the EJB container waits before removing an idle stateful session bean from disk. CR094524 In WebLogic Server 6. CR095545 When attempting to deploy two message-driven beans with the same ejb-name but different JNDI mappings on the same Weblogic Server instance, the first bean was deployed successfully, but the deployment of the second bean failed with this exception: weblogic. The problem was solved by code change to ensure creation of unique names. This caused performance issues in applications that frequently used. The problem was solved by implementing the function for CMP EJB 2. No matching method could be found. Please verify the method signature specified in the ejb-jar. The problem was solved by modifying the makeMethodParameter method of the eblogic. MethodDescriptorImpl class to generate the appropriate method parameter signature depending on the dimension of the array passed. CR101384 When a UserTransaction. CR101315 It was reported that jsp:setProperty parameter conversions failed. When the jsp:setProperty action sets the values of properties in a bean, the parameters are converted per JSP. The jsp file with the jsp:setProperty action fails to compile with the error messages below:... FooBean cannot be applied to java. FooBean cannot be applied to java. FooBean cannot be applied to java.

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